The outdoor baby boomer

One resounding characteristic of the Baby Boomer generation is the tendency to want to live forever, or more to the point, to continue enjoying optimal health, wellness, and an active lifestyle until they shuffle off this mortal coil.  Baby Boomers are nothing if not go-getters, and many have worked hard to build careers, raise families, and maintain health and fitness every step of the way.

Just because you’ve reached the age of retirement doesn’t mean you’re ready to go gentle into that good night.  You’re in your prime of health, as far as you’re concerned, and while you might have a few more aches and pains these days, you’re not about to let that slow you down.  Life is an adventure and you want to enjoy every minute by hiking the Columbia River Gorge Trail, biking Gateway Green, jogging along the Willamette, and generally staying active and engaged.

You’re not the type to sit in the park and play chess all day like your grandpa did or volunteer to put away library books like your dad.  Living out the senior years in a rocking chair is for past generations.  Still, you can’t deny that aging has slowed you somewhat, and some days, the aches and pains make it hard to get going.

What can you do to ensure that you’re able to keep moving at full speed despite the endless march of time?  If you haven’t yet heard of intravenous vitamin therapy, it’s time to start doing some research on IV infusion therapy near me.  With a specialized Energy Boost IV, chock full of B-vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium, you have the opportunity to combat fatigue, boost immunity, support strong bones and muscles, and generally be your best self.

Bone Loss

As we age, it’s normal to suffer some amount of bone loss, but this phenomenon tends to accelerate as you get into your 50s.  If you do nothing to combat it, you could face increased risk of osteoarthritis.  Also known as degenerative joint disease, this condition affects an estimated 27 million Americans.

Osteoarthritis is characterized by a breakdown of the cartilage that cushions the bones where they meet at joints like the knees, hips, and so on.  Without cartilage, the smooth movement we’re used to becomes compromised as bones get closer to grinding against one another.  This results in swelling, pain, and limited range of motion that can slow you down and keep you from participating in activities you love.

As the disease progresses, patients may experience the formation of painful bone spurs that further impact range of motion, and eventually, cartilage will break down completely, resulting in excruciating bone-on-bone contact when you move.  The best thing you can do to avoid this scenario is be proactive.

Whether you have a family history of osteoarthritis or not, it’s wise to take preventive measures, and your best option is to boost your calcium intake.  Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to get needed levels of calcium from food alone.  This is especially true for seniors, who may face issues like decreasing appetite, trouble chewing due to dental issues, and/or fixed budgets that limit the availability of nutritious food sources.

The good news is that you can get a hefty dose of calcium at your local IV hydration clinic.  A regular schedule of IV drip therapy that includes needed calcium can help to keep your bones strong and diminish bone loss, allowing you to fend off conditions like osteoarthritis and continue enjoying the active lifestyle you prefer.

On a side note, ingesting calcium supplements can come with the common and unfortunate side effect of constipation.  Increased hydration can help to combat this, which is why IV vitamin therapy that already includes extra fluids is such an ideal option for this particular supplement.

B-Complex Vitamin Deficiency

You might not know just how essential B-complex vitamins are to proper bodily function.  They are involved in breaking down and processing food to turn it into usable energy, they can help to regulate circadian rhythms, they contribute to the production of red blood cells, and they’re necessary for optimal brain function, among other things.

For adults heading into their 50s and 60s, vitamin B-12 deficiency is especially common.  B-vitamins are water soluble, which means it’s not easy to maintain them in the body (since they don’t store in fat for later use).  As you age, this is exacerbated by a decrease in stomach acid needed to absorb B-12 from food sources.

Even worse, vitamin B-12 deficiency in older adults has been cited as a potential contributing factor in the onset of dementia, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.  That said, you don’t have to worry about getting essential B-vitamins from food alone.  With vitamin B-12 replacement therapy and IV treatments that include other B-vitamins, you can maintain healthy levels that benefit you in numerous ways, including boosting energy and fighting the onset of dementia.

Maintaining a Fit and Healthy Body

In addition to calcium and B-complex vitamins, you can benefit from other supplements as you age, including vitamin C and electrolytes.  This is especially important if you’re active, as you can lose both through increased sweating and urination.

Vitamin C IV treatment can do a lot more than just bolster your immune system.  This powerful antioxidant is also essential to wound healing, which you might need when you’re hiking and biking the wilds, as accidents can happen.  It may even help to prevent cataracts and improve gum and overall oral health, as well as lower risks for certain cancers.  There’s just no end to vitamin C infusion benefits.

Of course, you also need to replenish electrolytes, including magnesium, which contributes to bone health and helps to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels.  With the right IV vitamin infusion, you can take steps to combat vitamin and mineral depletion that becomes more prevalent as you age, prolonging your active and fulfilling lifestyle.  Even on a fixed budget, you’ll find regular IV vitamin therapy cost manageable.


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