Summit Boost

Serious athletes put their bodies to the test on a daily basis, making physical demands on themselves that the average person can’t even imagine.  If you want to achieve your goal of competing at the highest level in your sport, you need to push yourself.

What you can’t afford is to have your body fail you, whether that means suffering fatigue that slows you down, or dealing with injuries that completely derail your progress.  Conditioning your body for greatness requires sacrifice, but you also need to be smart.  Just as you put fuel in your car and perform regular maintenance on the engine, you need to take care of your body.

In addition to strategic diet and exercise, you can get essential nutrients every athlete needs with regular visits to Boost IV – for the Summit Boost IV.  This hybrid boost blends the best of our Energy Boost and Immune-C Boost, along with glutathione, to deliver the hydration, electrolytes, B Vitamins, Ascorbic Acid, and more needed to help you perform at your peak.

Intense activity can leave you feeling sore and fatigued over time, even with athletic conditioning.  These symptoms can be even worse if you’re dehydrated and your body isn’t adequately converting food to usable energy.  The Summit Boost IV takes all of your needs into consideration, delivering the nutrients that boost energy, immunity, and overall performance.

Whether you’re pre-hydrating before a big event, rehydrating after intensive training, or simply trying to stay on track and avoid injury, scheduling regular visits for the Summit IV Boost is a great way to ensure outstanding performance.  Contact Boost IV today at 971-533-1700 to make the Summit IV Boost part of your winning strategy.

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IV Ingredients

Vitamins (Water Soluble)

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Vitamin C is a powerhouse, contributing to cardiovascular health, protecting against skin damage and signs of aging. This essential vitamin fights free radicals, and is also needed for the growth, development, repair, and overall health of literally every tissue in the body. Most adults have trouble getting adequate vitamin C from diet, which is why supplemental treatments are so important.

Vitamin B-Complex (B1,B2,B3)

Also called thiamine, vitamin B1 plays a pivotal role in turning the food you eat into energy. Regular alcohol consumption significantly depletes B1. Also known as riboflavin, vitamin B2 contributes to healthy skin, intestinal lining, and blood cells. Its main function is helping the body to break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Whether you’re dealing with acne, poor immune function, or low energy, getting enough vitamin B2 can lead to improvements. Also referred to as niacin, vitamin B3 works with other B complex vitamins to transform food into energy. A B3 deficiency can lead to the onset of pellagra, a condition characterized by gastrointestinal issues and mental difficulties, including dementia.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

B5 processes fatty acids. B5 also speeds wound healing, lowers blood cholesterol and slows the greying of hair. B5 deficiency has been implicated in the onset of headache, fatigue, insomnia, intestinal disturbances, and numbness and tingling of their hands and feet, as well as adrenal dysfunction and reduced exercise tolerance.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

This essential micronutrient, when paired with other B vitamins, works to turn the food you eat into energy. It contributes to cell health, produces several neurotransmitters in the brain, and helps your body to absorb another needed vitamin: B12.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

B12 is an essential component of creating DNA, the genetic material that makes up our bodies. It also contributes to healthy nerve and blood cells and prevents certain types of anemia. If you want your body to function at its peak, you can’t do without vitamin B12.

Major Minerals


Amino acids support athletic performance and improve muscle recovery in two meaningful ways. In the first case, they help us break down and recycle spent muscle protein. And in the second case, they help us build replacement muscle and tendon/ligament protein.


Magnesium is a jack of all trades when it comes to health and wellness. It helps your body to process food, produce needed fatty acids and proteins, and enjoy a healthy and functional nervous system. It contributes to bone health, heart health, and resistance to diseases like diabetes.


As you probably know, calcium is the building block for strong, healthy bones. Calcium is essential to support your skeletal system and stave off loss of bone mass and diseases like osteoarthritis. It also contributes to heart health, as well as a functional and responsive nervous system.


Potassium improves your heart health, and, protects against high blood pressure and stroke. It also helps to minimize the risks of issues like kidney stones and osteoarthritis, as well as support nerve impulses that regulate all kinds of bodily functions.


This simple molecule has been touted as the key to boosting performance, preventing aging, and fighting chronic diseases like heart disease, dementia, cancers, and more. It also helps to control inflammation and bolster immune function. Glutathione is nothing less than a powerhouse for detoxification and overall health and wellness.

Have questions about our IV or Aesthetics services?

Text or call today – Dr Jon and the Boost IV team are ready to answer your questions and boost you with one of our signature IV vitamin treatments, or anti-wrinkle shots.