Whether you’re involved in a demanding college sports program, you’ve progressed to the realm of professional athletics, or you simply train and compete during your off hours for personal wellness and gratification, you know the trials that go hand-in-hand with pushing your body to its limits in the pursuit of physical perfection and peak performance where aches and pains are prominent. There are days when you know you’re not reaching your full potential as well as setbacks that leave you wondering if you’ll recover and regain the level of ability you once attained. That is where Athlete’s Boost comes in play.
Athletes face a particular set of challenges, not only in maintaining and improving their physical prowess, but in overcoming mental hurdles in order to keep pushing and reach their goals. Believe it or not, the addition of IV nutrients to your regimen can help on both scores. The Athlete’s Boost provides your body with essential nutrients like restorative electrolytes, amino acids, and vitamins expertly blended to meet the needs of athletes. You want to give your body the best opportunity to recover quickly and remain in peak condition, so you can keep pushing toward your goals. When you’re properly hydrated and nourished, your body is better able to meet physical demands, giving you the strong foundation required to keep your head in the game and stay mentally focused. The Athlete’s Boost from Boost IV delivers essential hydration and nutrients that will take your game to the next level.
IV ingredients
Potassium improves your heart health, and, protects against high blood pressure and stroke. It also helps to minimize the risks of issues like kidney stones and osteoarthritis, as well as support nerve impulses that regulate all kinds of bodily functions.
Amino acids support athletic performance and improve muscle recovery in two meaningful ways. In the first case, they help us break down and recycle spent muscle protein. And in the second case, they help us build replacement muscle and tendon/ligament protein.
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