You get home from work and you want to blow off steam by getting on your bike for an hour, or running some hills in Forest Park? But you have been under stress at work, eating inconsistently and probably not getting the nutrients you need to feel great, let alone workout for an hour. And even if you make it through the work day and your workout, tomorrow you’ll be paying for the performance?
The amino acids in the Aminos shot is your quick leverage to bypass the absorption limits of your digestive tract and get a reliable input of these key exercise and recovery amino acids.
These four amino acids will support athletic performance and improve muscle recovery in two meaningful ways. These essential amino acids help us break down and recycle spent muscle protein via the urea cycle as well as help us build replacement muscle and tendon/ligament protein.
Additionally, arginine supports production of nitric oxide, which is necessary for the relaxation of the cells that make up blood vessels, as well as blood pressure regulation. And improved blood flow increases muscle capacity and athletic capacity.
Every Aminos Shot provides a complement of four valuable essential amino acids: Proline 50mg, Arginine 100mg, Lysine 50mg, Citrulline 50mg.
Check-out our other popular treatments:

B12 Shot

B6 Shot

B-Plus Shot